The USA and the Wider World, 1929-1990

Key Issue: What changing role did America play in world affairs between 1929 and 1990?
Again, show that you can trace American foreign policy, decade by decade, from 1929 to 1990.

Start with the 30s. You need to talk about isolationism and relations with Europe, Japan and the League of Nations.

In the 1940s, you need to understand why America got involved in the Second World War and what the impact was.

From the 1950s onwards, came the Cold War.
Here's a good interactive diagram you can make on the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid.

Make sure you have a good, detailed knowledge of this. you must know the causes. John D Clare again has excellent revision notes on this.

Revise American involvement in Korea - why they got involved and what the outcomes were.

Remember all your key words!

Can you explain why Berlin was a hotspot in the Cold War and the consequences of the Berlin Airlift?

Revise the Cuban Missile Crisis with Miss Allen's ace notes!
You must have a sound knowledge of Vietnam. Revise why the Americans got involved, how the war was fought and why the Americans could not win. Learn History has brilliant notes on Vietnam.

Youtube has the brilliant documentary "4 hours in My Lai" You don't need to know this much detail on My Lai but it's well worth watching.

You also need to be able to talk about the impact of the war back in the USA - in particular the protest movement and the role of the media in Vietnam. Go here for a good documentary video on Kent State.

BBC Bitesize has extensive revision tips on the Cold War.

Make sure you can describe changes in Cold War relationships: détente, USSR and China and arms limitation. Here's a good interactive diagram you can make.

Play this drag and drop game that teaches you about the end of the Cold War.

Why not try a Fling the Teacher Cold War game?

More general Cold War revision notes can be found here.

Try an online lesson from to revise your knowledge.

if you're an auditory learner, try downloading this MP3 which gives an introduction to the Cold War.

1 comment:

Term Papers said...

These posts keep getting better and better !This is an excellent resource!

Term paper