The Race Issue in America 1929-1990

Key Issue: How did the lives of black people in America change between 1929 and 1990?

Again, you need to show how the lives of Black Americans changed between 1929-1990. A good way to plan you answer is looking at the good and bad changes that happened, decade by decade.
Start with the nature and status of black people in America in 1929. You need to recap on Segregation. Watch these excellent videos designed specifically for the WJEC exam that cover Black Americans in 1929 and the work of the NAACP and the KKK.

You then need to move onto the 1930s and Black people and the impact of the Depression. Look at how they were affected and the extent to which they benefited from the New Deal.
In the 1940s, you need to examine the impact of the Second World War on Black Americans and the impact of the Jim Crow Army.
In the 1950s and 1960s, look at the origins, events and results of the Civil Rights movement.
Can you describe the effects of the Montgomery Bus Boycott? The impact of Little Rock? Make sure you understand the importance of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers and Black Power.
You need to understand the similarities and differences of different civil rights leaders. These revision notes are great for revising the sucesses of the Civil Rights movement.

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