American Economy

Use you notes to make sure you understand how the USA benefited from the First World War. You are very likely to get an essay question on the causes of the Boom in the 1920s


Create your own revision diagram to show who didn't share in the Boom

Make a list of Republican presidents in the 1920s and their pro-business policies.
Remember what was meant by laissez-faire?

BBC website has good revision practice.

Draw a Model T in the middle of a page. Around it, write as many reasons you can think of as to why
Henry Ford was so significant to the USA in the 1920s. Make sure you use key words!

Try the BBC bitesize revision.

Have a look at this Powerpoint on the Crash.

Try a drag and drop quiz on the causes.

Watch this YOUTUBE video of the causes of the Wall Street Crash

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