The USA 1929-1990

Remember that this exam paper is an outline study. This means you need to show how events changed over time, decade by decade.

The first section is called America in Transition. You need to show how American society changed from 1929-1990.

The key question on this section, and the essay question you need to be able to answer is:

In what ways did American society change between 1929 and 1990?

Start with the 1930s. The New Deal is part of this and is a big topic in its own right. Fill in an interactive diagram to help you learn the Alphabet Agencies.

Try to explain the impact of FDR using this diagram to make your notes.

Do you remember what a Hooverville was? has more good revision notes to print out.

Try an online lesson on the New Deal and then test your memory with these online flash cards.

Watch this video response to the essay question 'How successful was the New Deal'?

Try downloading a PP quiz on the USA here.

After the New Deal came the 1940s and the Second World War. You need to know the impact of this on the American Society.

In the 1950s came the Affluent Society. Download this Powerpoint to help you revise! You also need to explain the impact and effects of McCarthyism.

The 60s saw the impact of JFK and the New Frontier. Make a list of the good and bad points about Kennedy. After JFK's death came LBJ and his Great Society. Make sure you can list the key features of this.

The 70s was the time of Nixon and Watergate. There are great notes here. Why not make revision cards with all the key words from this topic?

Finally, you need to know about the 80s - the Reagan Years

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