Changing Life in Germany 1933-39

Ok, so the Nazis are in power. Now you need to know how they changed Germany from the day Hitler became the Fuhrer to the outbreak of the First World War.

You need to understand their economic policy and the way they tried to put Germany back to work. This includes knowledge of public works schemes and rearmament.

Go here for a brilliant lesson on the Nazi economy. Try filling in an interactive diagram.

This site has loads of great information on workers. Read this PowerPoint on employment.

Can't remember Strength Through Joy? Click here!

You need to revise their social policy - the effects the Nazi regime had on women, the church, young people (including the Hitler Youth) and leisure activities.

This is a great Hitler Youth cloze exercise.

Read this powerpoint on women and try this interactive diagram. To revise and test yourself on the BBC bitesize site go here.

Make notes on the Nazis and the Churches then try this crossword. More info is here.

You need to understand how they used education to their own advantage, the use of censorship and propaganda and the attitudes towards Jews.

Try this exercise on education.

Read the PowerPoint on propaganda and complete the interactive diagram.

Revise attitudes to Jews here. Can you explain Kristallnacht (in English - the Night of the Broken Glass)?

The first few sentences of this are all you need to know about the Nuremberg Laws.

This diagram is good for revising the treatment of the Jews overall BUT Remember - don't talk about the Holocaust or death camps in a question that asks about life before 1939. This didn't happen until after the start of the war.

You need to be able to look at both sides of the argument - did life change for the better for the people of Germany? These revision notes will help you formulate an essay.

Some brilliant essay questions and model answers. Really good practice!

Try an online practice paper on life in Nazi Germany.

Play penalty shootout.

Finally, here's a good revision PP on Nazi Germany.

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