Problems and Challenges in the USA

Try the GCSE Bitesize revision questions. Check out the revision booklet on 'Problems and Challenges' your teacher has given you (if you weren't in - go and ask for one!) Use Inspiration software to create a mind map on the KKK. Make sure you understand and can give examples of Jim Crow laws. You need to know about immigration the the USA and isolationism. Write notes on the NAACP and Marcus Garvey and the UNIA (who were they and what were their aims?) Use this powerpoint to revise race problems. Make sure you understand the Red Scare and the Palmer Raids. (and if you're bored, find out of you'd be a communist by taking the political compass test). Can you remember who Sacco and Vanzetti were?

A common exam question is "Was the 1920s a good time for all?" i.e. This website has brilliant notes on the good and bad things about the USA and handy hints on how to remember them.

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